Hello everyone!
Well I've moved my blog over to WordPress. You can access it at dustinsmetona.wordpress.com. All new posts will be over there. I will obviously leave this one up to function as an archive for all of my old posts.
As always, my prayer is that you will find "ample cause to glory in Christ Jesus!"
Grace to you from the Savior,
Dustin Smetona
"...so that in me you may have ample cause to glory in Christ Jesus..."
About Me

- Dustin Smetona
- I am a 25-year old sinner saved by grace. I have been richly blessed with a wonderful wife. I work to find Christian homes for children in foster care. I photograph weddings and portraits with my wife. Most importantly, I love Christ because He has saved me, and I hope that by reading this blog, you will be pleased to say the same.